--------------------------------------------- PROPERTIES EDITOR --------------------------------------------- This editor is where you can change the name of the level and its dimensions. Note that the dimensions of the level that you create are limited by the amount of video memory you have. For example, two megs allows for a track size of 2048x1024 (Large), while one meg allows for 1024x1024 (Medium) and a measly half a meg allows 1024x512 (Small). --------------------------------------------- HILL EDITOR --------------------------------------------- Click the left mouse button close to a hill to alter its location and other properties. The right button clones a nearby hill. While you have a hill selected, you may edit its height using the plus and minus keys, and its width using the less-than and greater-than keys. Click the mouse again to make your changes permanent, or you may press escape to put the hill back down in its original position. To delete hills, select them with the left button and press delete. A better way to delete several is to press K and trace out a red box around the hills you wish to dispose of. When you have finished editing the hills, press Escape to redraw the level and go back to the game. If you would like to see the effect of your alterations without going back to the game, press R to redraw the screen. --------------------------------------------- TRACK EDITOR --------------------------------------------- The track editor is very similar to the hill editor with one addition: Checkpoints can be toggled using the space-bar.